If you plan to answer The Rooms’ Request for Proposals (RFP)
to act as the museum’s marketing agency, there’s only one problem: you won’t
get the job if you are or have been a critic of the Government.

In the jargon of the marketing business, The Rooms is
seeking an Agency of Record (AOR).
Recently, the allNewfoundlandLabrador business news website reported
that The Rooms plans to “build off the success of its Beaumont Hamel exhibit”. The
work involves a range of tasks “from marketing and campaign strategy to
creative development, online content [and] social media”.

The allNewfoundlandLabrador article describes The Rooms as
“the institution that safeguards the province’s arts, culture and history…”
Then, too, The Rooms is identified with another role: as custodian of the military
history and memorabilia of members of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment.

Where is the evidence of The Rooms’ transgression?

Located on The Rooms’ website is a Question and Answer page offering “responses to RFP related questions or clarifications” for those
assessing whether they qualify for (or have already been disqualified from)
employment as the Agency of Record.  A
query, specifically item #12, reads:

Can you
please give an example of a client or industry that can be considered a
conflict of interest in “the rooms” POV?

This is The Rooms’ response:
As a
Crown Corporation of the Provincial Government, it would be improper for The
Rooms to enter into a contract with a firm that is working in direct conflict
with the provincial government. 

example: It would be a conflict of interest for The Rooms to work with an AOR
that represented a lobby group protesting Muskrat Falls, or a group or industry
actively and/or openly working in conflict against the Government of
Newfoundland and Labrador.

Did The Rooms say that it would be “improper,” that it would
constitute a “conflict of interest,” to deal with a group who embrace democratic
values and refuses to ignore them when to do so is
convenient to the powers that be? Even against a “boondoggle” — that threatens
our economic and cultural survival?

The boldness with which The Rooms sets out its warning
suggests that it is a place already corrupted by unwarranted influence; that it
is well past having any pretense to institutional fairness or integrity. The
disturbing fact elicits a series of fundamental questions. Here are some:  

Has the corruption exhibited in the Humber Valley Paving
affair under the Tories been extended, under the Liberals, to any who would
possess activist tendencies, though legal and, as some might suggest, an
appropriate manifestation of responsible citizenship?
Are all the picketers who protested environmental contamination
with methylmercury disenfranchised thereby from participation in publicly
funded initiatives — even in something as innocuous as advertising work? Even those
who have already or plan to protest over a virtually submerged Mud Lake
community or the potential collapse of the North Spur, too? Or those who have paraded
in front of Nalcor?

Do job offerings and promotions at The Rooms carry a similar
precondition, explicitly or implied?

Will applicants submitting RFPs be required to submit proof
of their political leanings or evidence that they have never criticized,
objected to the government, or ever exhibited a smidgen of the courage of the men
and women of war whom The Rooms pretends to celebrate?

For our curators of culture and history, does kowtowing to
the spineless and the ignorant outweigh rightful — and necessary — expressions
of disfavour towards ruinous public policy?

From where did such an edict arrive?

Is the caveat a demand of the Minister responsible for The
Rooms? Is such narrow-minded arbitrariness also a reflection of The Rooms’ CEO,
who presumably authorized the publication of the RFP?

In short, how far have governance practices regressed in
this province after the last decade of persistent institutional rot?

A fundamental tenet of democracy is the right, without fear
of retribution, to criticize one’s own government. And while this basic right
ought to be embraced in every one of our institutions, when any one of them fails
it should fall not just to the Courts or to courageous citizens to apply brakes
to the self-serving.

It is one thing for The Rooms to be a custodian of history
and artifacts, but it would be unfortunate if that institution let bad politics
obscure the sacrifices of our forebears or the values for which they fought. Perhaps
The Rooms’ leadership needs reminding that our society is afforded democratic
freedoms because of those forebears, and that amongst the principles for which
they fought was the right of protest, including against the government.
The minders of things that reflect our political and
cultural values, the ones who have been given a duty to be vanguards with a
sacred purpose, ought to at least maintain the pretense of that responsibility.
While Joey Smallwood long exhibited disdain for the partisans who did not
support him and utilized the programs of the state to reward and to punish, as
he saw fit, he was cognizant enough of his own corrupt value system to never
put such offense in writing!

Some assurance is necessary that the CEO of The Rooms is not
just another servant to the shameful excesses and arbitrariness of his
political masters.

Else, in future, in place of values, history, ideals or
remembrance, we shall think of The Rooms as a mere purveyor of trinkets and

The Rooms’ CEO has some explaining to do.

Des Sullivan
Des Sullivan
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Uncle Gnarley is hosted by Des Sullivan, of St. John's. He is a businessman engaged over three decades in real estate management and development companies and in retail. He is currently a Director of Dorset Investments Limited and Donovan Holdings Limited. During his early career he served as Executive Assistant to Premier's Frank D. Moores (1975-1979) and Brian Peckford (1979-1985). He also served as a Part-Time Board Member on the Canada-Newfoundland Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB). Uncle Gnarley appears on the masthead representing serious and unambiguous positions on NL politics and public policy. Uncle Gnarley is a fiscal conservative possessing distinctly liberal values and a non-partisan persusasion. Those values and opinions underlie this writer's views on NL's politics, economy and society. Uncle Gnarley publishes Monday mornings and more often when events warrant.


Bill left public life shortly after the signing of the Atlantic Accord and became a member of the Court of Appeal until his retirement in 2003. During his time on the court he was involved in a number of successful appeals which overturned wrongful convictions, for which he was recognized by Innocence Canada. Bill had a special place in his heart for the underdog.

Churchill Falls Explainer (Coles Notes version)

If CFLCo is required to maximize its profit, then CFLCo should sell its electricity to the highest bidder(s) on the most advantageous terms available.


This is the most important set of negotiations we have engaged in since the Atlantic Accord and Hibernia. Despite being a small jurisdiction we proved to be smart and nimble enough to negotiate good deals on both. They have stood the test of time and have resulted in billions of dollars in royalties and created an industry which represents over a quarter of our economy. Will we prove to be smart and nimble enough to do the same with the Upper Churchill?


  1. Part of me hopes The Rooms chose such a direct answer to expose their discomfort with the directives from Government. Regardless though, this gives evidence of terrible forces at work. The get 'er done era we live in will become an infamous part of our past: the Rooms may as well start building an exhibit to this monumental failure of democracy.

    • Who, was excluded firm the Rooms????? And why??? Pray tell!!!! Does it mean they were thrown out on their ear? Exclude or ejected by whom? Tell us more Ben……maybe by you, or are you just the messenger?????

    • At least they are honest. "It would be a conflict of interest for The Rooms to work with an AOR that represented a lobby group protesting Muskrat Falls, or a group or industry actively and/or openly working in conflict against the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. "

      Many of us that have stood up to government feel we were blacklisted but seldom is anything ever in written. I know one person that didn't get a job with natural resources because he was asked if he had an opinion on MF. He said yes, and that was told later that he was the best candidate otherwise but disqualified because he was to have no opinion at all.

      This is also the reason many of us have to post here anonymously.

  2. Timely item, as Dave Vardy and others are attending the FANE event this evening, and anyone there will be black listed, if not already.
    Vardy, who remind me of Socrates, who under the democracy of Athens, spoke truth to power……and so was given the death sentence, and so had no choice but drink hemlock, and so died.
    Has our govn leaders and backroom toadies already purchased supplies of hemlock? Watch your beverage Dave, while at the Peter Easton Pub.
    Seems Peter Easton practised democracy to a higher standard, than this province, at this time.
    Iceland has a Pirate Party that has 10 percent of the votes there. Indeed, an environmentalist, in Nfld and Labrador, is an enemy of the state, whenthe state is planning to double oil production, or flood vast river systems that might poison and drown.
    So, for Ball and Stan Marshal "You are either with us or against us" mentality. In their eyes , this is war, when freedoms, even to protest, is put aside.

  3. Yet another blatant example of corrupt politics. Need less to state, anyone associated with those who speak truth to power, need not apply. It appears "our government is rotten to the core." No wonder people sat silent over the boondoggle!

  4. The Telegram :A podcast on an inside look at covering public inquiries.
    Russell and Ashley and Glen give perspectives to Barb Sweet.
    Russell says the Inquiry will be dull and very boring, unless to someone who has been long engaged in this project.
    He says the big issue for Nflders is what happens to electricity costs in 2021.
    He predicts that few will tune in.And that details will not bring startling news each day.
    He referred to the Hughes Inquiry that was also supposed to inquire into the administration of justice in Nfld, but this never did get done.
    Anyway, they all give their email contact address at the Telegram… this in hopes that whistle blowers will contact them first that they may generate newsworthy items? Or is this Telegram PR.
    They say it will be costly to the Telegram and media to cover this Inquiry.
    Anyway, UG is in the lead, and Telegram doing catchcup, and, so far Leblanc is silent……a blank website!

  5. Anyone that works for this rotten, corrupt and incompetent government or any of its institutions or works for a company that may some day do business with a government agency (which is just about everyone) has to keep silent. You'd be hard pressed to find any business that could afford to be blacklisted from doing business with core government, MUN, the health authorities, Nalcor, the school district etc. Fortis was concerned that this government would pass new laws to punish them if they went against Muskrat Falls so they chose the financial interests of shareholders over the general public.

    A radical change would be needed to purge the swamp. New and completely different people running for politics, the termination of everyone from deputy minister down through manager across all departments, followed by non-corrupt job competitions to find capable to run departments and agencies. Very few would be rehired on their merits. The public service commission is corrupt too. It would be a daunting task to shovel the place and rebuild.

  6. Fortis was concerned that this government would pass pass new laws to punish them if they went against Muskrat Falls?
    Lets suppose that is true. So rather than speak truth to power , as Bruno would say, they largely kept quiet, to protect their shareholders……which happen to be who? And what happened to the straight shooter, that is not motivated by shareholder profits, and good ethics? And 95 percent of Nfld and Labrador are not shareholders……… they are hung out to dry.
    A 12.7 billion noose around their neck. And Fortis ex CEO, with sidekick Wade Locke, now trying to brain wash the public on seeing the Big Picture.
    And I guess Fortis was pressured to be the major sponsor to the Rooms of 250,000.00, while doing zilch for Nflders power bill reductions.
    If Fortis can be intimidated and kicked around, what chance does the little guy have, who opposed Muskrat, or any business? maybe there are no business ethics, just profit motives. A democracy?

  7. The debate goes on, mainly on the airways, open line, question of the day. Soft tissue and suffering , claims, insurances rates. Just saying we are out of step with the rest of the company, all other provinces have a limits on insurance. Steve says we are paying 5$ a week for this kind of insurance, could say less than a buck a day or 250$ for 52 weeks, a year. Is it worth it?? Peculiar thing is the guys that are making the bucks are the vocals on this subject.

  8. I was reading from a book, which mentioned that many in positions of power are really GUTLESS.
    It went to define gutless.
    It made think, is Stan Marshall, instead of a straight shooter, really a man who is gutless?

    • Gutless…my most descriptive word would be bulldog. I am not saying I agree or disagree with him. And I would also say we have Two Bulldogs, one running the province and the other running muskrat. And Bulldogs normally don't stop and consider, as was evident, when the govt changed hands, I have said before that they should have paused muskrat, even said that should have been the liberal slogan. Pause muskrat, and evaluate. But guess Bulldogs only go in one direction, full speed ahead, the goal in sight, finish strong. Get her done by's. Let's see how they finish. But that does not diminish our finincial dire situation. Let's see if they can pull a muskrat out of the hat. A lot will depend on the Feds. And as I have said before, I think they should take muskrat boondoggle et al, including the loan guarantee over completely, provide ns with their power where possible, and leave our cheap, paid for island power for ourselves. So that power rates stay as they are now. If they can do that, I say go Bulldogs go. Who can predict the future…accurately. And let's see what 2041 brings. I put no political party first, just the people and the province.

    • Here is the quote:
      "Even more reprehensible than the man who does not act because he is ignorant is the man who DOES know the situation but fails to act.
      I can only label this type of performance GUTLESS. When I talk of a gutless person, I am talking about a human being who does not have the courage to change an unjust situation. I call gutless a person, who, rather than change an indefensible state of affairs, tries to sweep the mess under the rug. I call gutless the politician who stalls, procrastinates and tries to perpetuate the antiquated systems and attitudes which have produces injustice, in order to try and maintain his own positive image".
      Now this may apply to Premier Ball, but maybe also to Marshall, who should have loudly warned as to the boondoggle potential, instead of fearing negative consequences to Fortis shareholders if he spoke out against the government plan.

    • Does this make Minister Coady gutless, when the rig failed to disconnect with an iceberg 600 ft away, another Titanic situation possible and environmental nightmare, and she says that it is "SAFETY Number 1", and no fine as punishment. Maybe a criminal event not to disconnect, and damn lucky no collision.
      And all the workers who knew this and kept quiet, gutless too?
      Seems so.

  9. Once upon a time, not so long ago, it was forecast that we would have winter peak loads of over 1800 MW by now on the power grid.
    For March 1, our peak was 1286 MW, and this included the use of those programmable thermostats that ramp up power in the morning, therefore increasing peak demand ( and you get the Loto prise of $10.00 if you buy such a thermostat)
    When it settled out, most of the day the grid load was a mere 1200MW. So in early morning they curtailed the dirty coal power import again. Last winter we were running on average about 1550 MW in the winter. Revenue is likely to be be down a lot this winter, and warm weather impacts their revenue.
    For my minisplit, the Little Engine That Could, ( who sings: I think I can, I think I can), On March 1, it used 14.18 kwh for the entire day, so at a rate of 10 cent power, that gives $1.42 for heat. Averaged over 24 hrs, it shows an average requirement of 591 watts needed for space heat. Take that you Scallywags, and no setback needed.
    Now for March 2, this Little Engine used just 11.43 kwh, so $1.14 for a full day's heat,(can you buy a coffee for that) and an average of just 476 watts.
    Now a toaster (a resistance heater) used 900 watts.
    So this house was heated with essentially half the power of a toaster.
    Now that is what I call efficient space heating, that negatively impacts Fortis shareholders, and impacts the economic case for Muskrat.
    The peak load for Mar 2 is not yet posted, but sure to be less than for March 1.
    Let me thank all who have jumped on to the heatpump craze, as with such efficiency, together we can drive them scallyways right down the smoke stacks at Holyrood, and also keep out that dirty coal power imports.
    Winston Adams

    • Maybe we don't need to overanalyze Winston's results as his is but one example. We should gather more testimonials from other minisplit conversions.

      Here is my submission of energy use in my approximately 2500SF house with two minisplits. One unit is tri-zone and runs 24/7. The other is a single zone unit of the super high-efficiency low-temp type and is shut off nightly as we don't want the heat upstairs then (unit placement is awesome for aircon); it also isn't required some daytime hours on milder days but the added heating is essential on colder days. I can conclude that my split-level house needs a minimum 3 ton (36,000 btu) capacity, especially to achieve the 22-23C temperature I like in the main areas. The premium single zone unit may be overspecified for how I use it but it has some settings and features I value.

      An Efergy energy monitor (same as Winston) perfectly tracks the minisplits consumption as I put both units on a single breaker. I can accurately state that since mid-December the average power draw has been 1100 watts. February consumption was 761 kwh, January 816 kwh. To compare to WA's March 1 and 2 readings, mine was 27.0 kwh and 23.7 kwh. Given that WA is heating less than half the space, our kwh/SF are quite comparable and so is the 0.44 watt/SF average consumption. My units are not in the attic though.

      With the measurements and the billing energy known, I can conclusively determine that in the coldest winter months, half my billing energy is going to heating. Comparing to previous years before minisplits and entirely relying on resistance heating, I can deduce that the heating energy used was about 3 times higher. Overall these results meet expectations and should result in about 8000 kwh saved annually.

      Assuming my example were an average case, then if 125,000 households or small businesses were to install these, island energy consumption would reasonably fall by 1000 GWh. It would take only a little more energy conservation to fully offset Holyrood thermal production.

      Winston has spoken of peak capacity impact so some comments now on that.

      On cold days, I observe my total minisplit power fluctuating between 1500-2000 watts during long stretches of normal operation. If temperature setting is increased, a door is opened, or when the trizone unit resumes heating after a defrost, total combined power of the two units will surge to about 3kw but this lasts just a few minutes. Defrost power stays within the normal range.

      I don't have exact data on my historic resistance heating use but it's not hard to reason that normal winter daytime power demands averaged at least 4kw with peaks at least double that and of durations a lot longer than a few minutes. Comparing peak power cycles when blended among many households (diversity factoring), minisplits are likely to reduce household peak draw by at least 4kw relative to resistance heating.

      The projected system impact of 125,000 customers getting off resistance heating, reducing demand by 4kw each, could reduce system peak capacity requirements by 500 MW. Again, this is enough to offset Holyrood.

      Not everyone needs to get a minisplit. When prices double, some will turn to firewood, wood pellets, propane, oil, etc. Those consumers will use even less electricity. Plus we'll all initiate other actions to reduce our non-heating electricity consumption. As well there are the negative forecast impacts of demographics and emigration coming.

      It's reasonable to conclude that Holyrood could be phased out and that zero Muskrat infeed is required if consumers take their own prudent action (minsplits or otherwise) to mitigate exorbitant power prices.

      My apologies to Stan Marshall for seeing a Big Picture that deviates from his.

    • An excellent article. It would be interesting if Winston commented, as he has tons of experience over a longer recording period. Guess it takes the little guy to solve our problem, and iodits to create it with our own money….the buggers.

    • The big picture is that your investment in heat pumps and other tools to reduce electricity consumption will be welcomed, however if you continue to live in NL you will also have to contribute to paying the massive cost of the Muskrat through other forms of taxation.

    • Excellent to see results posted for 250O sf ft house, and agree, that results for various house size and styles is important, especially for systems that are properly sizes,as this results show. Undersizing and cheap models that underperform will show results not so good, so info like this , and using best practices is essential and should be cited as examples by Take Charge. Further, the power companies should be doing such monitoring, should have done before MF sanction. It is called END-USE research, and part of proper power forecasting. Our companies here avoid doing this, and so do NOT use best practices, as cited by Manitoba Int consultants for the PUB here.
      This one shows power for heating about 1/3 of that expected for baseboard resistance heaters, giving a COP(coefficient of performance of 3) on average, a 66 percent reduction, a good result.
      For Jan my result was 485 kwh, for Feb 426kwh ( a 12 percent reduction from Jan to Feb) The above shows 816 vs 761, (a 7 percent reduction) . I suggest the attic mount gives improved performance as the sun get higher , with solar gain, and should improve further in spring months.
      Most households consider only the potential direct saving on the power bill. But contributions to the grid peak demand reduction is very important to reduce fuel consumption at Holyrood, and reducing operating costs and capital costs for such thermal plants. If our power was 10 cent rate, about 2 cents of that is to pay for Holyrood and gas turbines……….so this should have been promoted more than a decade ago, and with ramping up house conversions, Holyrood should need no use by now.
      I would suggest average house is smaller, and about 3 kw reduced each, so about 375 MW reduction instead of 500MW. But we have about 170,000 houses, and including other saving measures, insulation of basements, commercial etc, easy to reduce 500 MW.
      We need a data base more than my monitoring alone, so would be good if this Anon contacted me, and update for future readings.
      As to defrost cycles for attic mounting, for the last 5 days here is what I have Feb 27(2) Feb 28(3), Mar 1(2), Mar 2 (0), Mar 3(0).
      I expect outdoor mounting would show 10 or more defrosts per day?
      Agree, that if Marshall is not aware of this trend and technology, then he is missing an important of the Big Picture.
      I had intended to seek a meeting with him last year on this, but was told it was a waste of time, as full steam ahead with MF …..there was no changing Marshalls opinion.
      My background was in the power business (ex Nfld Hydro engineer), so I assess these as to impact on both energy savings , but especially grid peak demand reductions…….essential to counter Holyrood in winter time.
      Interesting to see if Leblanc digs into the power companies conservation and efficiency options before MF, as part of the Isolated option ………seems little analysis done, so why? And we have the excellent results from NS to compare for peak demand reductions achieved there.
      Winston Adams

    • Prior to MF sanction, I recall Randy Simms on VOCM saying he was being told that it was possible to reduce electric heating loads by 50 percent, but found it hard to believe.
      On an annual basis, 50 percent is not hard to achieve.
      I consider 50 percent not meeting a good result, and best practices not followed.
      That 60 percent annual saving could be considered "acceptable"
      That 66 percent saving , as above anom is achieving is good.
      That 70-75 percent can be achieved, is what I achieve from attic mounting, though some extra cost to install this way.

    • IMAGINE!!!!! HOLYROOD SHUT DOWN AND NO NEED FOR MUSKRAT !!!!! CAN THE POPULACE GET THEIR HEADS AROUND THAT? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY GOVERNMENT! NALCOR AND THE INQUIRY? Yes I am shouting, this need to be shouted out a 100 times or more a day, until we are all shouting it, and it sinks in, and we do the right thing about it.

    • We left St. John's for the mainland, seeking work contracts, in 1984. At that time we lived in a raised bungalow, family of 4, approx. 150 sqm. Living space in Metro TO was already priced beyond sustainable income levels, and the kids had grown. We have found that two seniors can live comfortably in a 75sqm 2 bedroom apartment. An all electric apartment, in a traditional building construction, costs about $1,000/yr for heat and power. (BC still has one of the lowest power costs in Canada, but has to catch up fast. Site C dam.). Looking back, it appears that NLs have over built to need, and are paying dearly for the baseboard heating living style. If there is one positive in Muskrat, it is that, a more modest home and some Winston wisdom may help them through.

    • Each day at midnight I print off the Torbay Airport 24 hr weather data to use with Hp performance.
      Jam avg nite was -6.0 c, and avg day was -2.1 C
      Feb avg nite was -7.7 C and day avg was -3.2 C
      So Feb a bit colder.
      Historically St John's would have -8.6 C avg at night, so a little climate change benefit, giving better HP performance.

      However my Jan avg power for heat was 15.6 kwh /day
      ……..Feb avg power for heat was 15.2 kwh per day.
      So less energy used for Feb even though it was colder by day and note. At the lower temperature it could be expected that 9 percent more energy would be used by a HP, but it was about 2 percent less, so about 11 percent better than one might expect.
      This can be explained by more solar gain, or lower relative humidity or lower wind speed or a combination.

      However for the anom results posted above , Jan uses 26.3 kwh /day and Feb 27.2 , so a higher consumption about 3.5 percent more for Feb, and it was colder, but not 9 percent more, so 5.5 percent better than one might expect.
      This suggest that both benefited form solar gain etc, but the attic mounted one by 5.5 percent more gain, which I suspect is mostly extra solar gain benefit from the sun unto and into the attic. This factor should increase each month into the spring as the sun climbs higher, rising the attic 20-30 C warmer in the day, and lasts late into the evening.

      Take charge says one could save as much as 40 percent on heat energy with minisplits, when 65-75% is possible. Is not one that misrepresents a SCALLYWAG? Could it be they prefer their customers use more, not less power?

    • Sorry for the long response here folks.

      WA – I'm still working toward collecting data on the first full year of operation. I'm around and lurking here always but I don't want to obsess over the fine details so I may have little else to say it for a few months. I have no intention of competing with you but I hope a few others may offer up their efficiency observations. BTW – my units are from one of the big Japanese brands and I'd suggest expectations of better efficiency should be tempered.

      Anon 11:13 – you are right that the burden will shift to taxes but even that can only go so far before it reaches paralyzing heights. I can't imagine many people will choose to pay doubled electric heat bills so we can all share in the tax relief: denying self interest for the greater good is noble but in this case not something we can reasonably expect.

      Robert – you highlight that there is a broad middle class (upper half of it anyway) here that has grown fat on their electrical energy use and they have many options at their disposal to trim the fat. Cutting electricity use within this group is an easy thing to do. I'm an early adopter relative to the masses (WA is a pioneer) and many people I know say they will follow when rates skyrocket. The danger still seems a long way off to them but the herd will eventually act and massive energy declines will result. As WA notes, this winter appears to be yielding below forecast demand and few have done anything yet – the big drops are yet to come.

      Pity the poorer folks though who get stuck with no alternative but to turn off the heat and deal with energy poverty, resulting illness and worse. This will further burden GNL social programs and health care costs. GNL is already at the precipice of the debt spiral and Muskrat is the great lunge to jump onto it.

      Whether or not we actually pay for Muskrat – count me in the not a chance group – our remaining days of affordable electricity costs are short in number. Considerable cost hikes are proposed in the current Hydro general rate application that might be enough to trigger a number of the herd to change their behaviours before Muskrat. Irrespective of those increases, there will be some of the herd who are already planning to act in the coming year or two anyway. Pre-Muskrat rates of 15 c/kwh rates might be in place sooner than we think.

      That's a pretty stiff baseline for average ratepayers to consider. You won't get that story from Hydro and GNL though. They hired their expert economists and they're not listening to anyone else's opinion and now with this peek into contracting at The Rooms, we know they actually have a policy to punish dissidents. I hope we all remember these Iron Curtain policies in 2019.

    • Agree, it may be noble to not reduce energy use , to help the economic case for MF, but supporting a stupid project makes no sense, and so people will chose alternatives that are cost effective.
      2 and 3 head unit are about 20 percent less efficient than single head, according to mfg and some USA studies. But here in Nfld , a number of people using 3 head units are getting excellent results. When 3 heads operate at the same time , the efficiency is really good, and as Dec to Apr will have 3 heads on most all the time, efficiencies are good. I have not monitored 3 head units, but this is why the experience and results of others adds to the knowledge for performance in Nfld. Nfld is different form Boston, so local performance is different. So, we are not so much competing, anom, but each can add to the data base and knowledge to get the best results.
      We should have performance for the Avalon, the south coast, Gander -Grand Fall area, Corner Bk, and St Anthony and parts of Labrador. We can estimate on temperatures effects, but RH is different , so results would be different.
      I proposed that I would assist Nfld Power financially to expand monitoring, but they declined.
      If any reading this, with technically ability want to assist, whether HVAC contractor, engineer or technician, to monitor , I will purchase and ship free a monitor to at least 5 individuals , for different zones, that they share their results, and this helps for best practices going forward.
      NS has a good guide for Cold Climate models to -15C
      Here for Jan we had only 2 nights below -10C, and for Feb, 12 nights below -10C, and the lowest so far at -13.6 C………so NS guide is excellent for Nfld. Yet the Scallywags here will not publish the NS guide! So too many use inferior models.

  10. Kevin Casey was the man behind the Liberals advertising campaign. In November, Kevin was given a contract to advise the liquor corporation on its launch plan for legal cannabis. He is also on the board of directors of The Idea Factory which apparently got this contract. There is lots more rotten with this contract.

    I can't get my mind around how they were stupid enough to put their dislike of dissent in writing. It can only get them into trouble and contracts like this are awarded exclusively to cronies in the Banana Republic of Newfoundland anyway, so best to keep a low profile and hope the Uncle doesn't notice.

    • Kevin Casey has only ever made one political contribution ever, according to Elections NL records, and that was to a PC candidate.

      The Idea Factory has given $16,150 to the Liberals over the years… and $66,850 to the PCs.

      Or, put another way… before 2015, the Idea Factory made 29 donations to the governing PCs, and only 2 to the opposition Liberals, and since 2014, the Idea Factor has made 8 donations to the governing Liberals, and only 1 to the opposition PCs.